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What I learned in 2018

Peace be upon everyone, There's a nice thing to recap the whole year in the last few minutes to a new year. Recalling the past memories of the previous year is a new habit I've been practicing instead of ignoring all the memories of the past. It's something special and a super trait I regard it as It has allowed me to rethink what I'm doing and what I'm really into. Some of the time This is the time to recheck how all we have done our job great and how far we want to go. This is my first blog post under this new habit, lesson learner after recalling the memory. When I am feeling my past memories I thought some of the lessons I learned throughout the year would be helpful for my friends and colleagues for next year or forever their lives or unfortunately never ever. I categorized the whole lessons I learned and what I earned from a very special 2018, under four topics. It's just four topics, not a big deal. Just it.                         " It's just fo

What I learned in 2018

Peace be upon everyone,

There's a nice thing to recap the whole year in the last few minutes to a new year. Recalling the past memories of the previous year is a new habit I've been practicing instead of ignoring all the memories of the past. It's something special and a super trait I regard it as It has allowed me to rethink what I'm doing and what I'm really into. Some of the time This is the time to recheck how all we have done our job great and how far we want to go. This is my first blog post under this new habit, lesson learner after recalling the memory.

When I am feeling my past memories I thought some of the lessons I learned throughout the year would be helpful for my friends and colleagues for next year or forever their lives or unfortunately never ever. I categorized the whole lessons I learned and what I earned from a very special 2018, under four topics. It's just four topics, not a big deal. Just it. 

                  "It's just four topics, not a big deal"


    Life is not something guessable game and we can't predict any events that what would come next. Surprisingly, many serial directors predict what it will be next in their teledramas but I still don't know how it is. I can confidently say, life is something, not a guessable game. Anything can happen in a few minutes that we couldn't imagine. I had attended many interviews last year and perfectly done my homework. But many of them went not in my way. Yes, It was painful but in reality, we had to accept it whatever the outcome was. I really hoped a hundred percent that I would be selected. However sake of Allah I ended up in a great place which I hope I could make the future better from here. I have seen many hire-fires inside the company and I heard lots of stories from my friends who were terminated by their company. Some of the people were truly unfortunate that they had been taken for a reasonable period of time but after the specified period, the company has terminated them. These are some of the stories truly painful which I heard and they shared. I imagined if I were in their shoes that it would be very painful and hurtful. It is even disappointing when you've been the witness of those hurtful events and you don't have the right to speak about that. It all happens at the industrial level. I regard my all friends and colleagues who worked in those companies are very talented and insanely great. There are the people done some great work for their company nothing boasting about their effort. The only way we can stop this is by speaking out for justice for that person who is sitting next to you. Don't be afraid of losing your job, Remember you may be the next victim. From this lesson what I learned was anything can happen at anytime even you loved that work or you put the whole effort into it or you spent lots of sleepless nights to make the company's dream comes true. And also, work hard for what you truly love but don't expect the same as result. Think positive and move forward.     

"work hard for what you truly love but don't expect the same as result. Think positive and move forward"


  It's the most common pattern to measure anyone's strength with his achievements and the number of wins. I see it's a fair scale to compare any personalities. But we should remember all these wins never come in one attempt, probably you want to see many losses and seatbacks, sometimes you will feel you get lost because of the impact of the losses. I have never seen instant results of some works, after several months I got the result for that. From that my life taught me to keep moving forward however the result comes positive or not, but in the near recent your dream will come true if you do love doing what you believe in. Smart people, I met in my life instantly learn from their own mistakes and big failures but they're not pointing to others for their mistakes instead they're trying to solve the problem. Most of the lessons I learned in my life are from failures. So I see failures are new teachers to teach beautiful lessons for free which you can't ignore if you want to win. But the most important thing we should concern in the win or lose situation is to stay optimistic about our dreams and form the positive vibrations inside the mind. Don't depend on the results of the work, keep reading the numbers of your work's result, one day or sooner you will reach your goal.

"Don't depend on the results of the work, keep reading the numbers of your work's result, one day or sooner you will reach your goal."    


College Photo
The important life lesson I learned is you can't win alone, if you want to go far you want to go together. Ask for help is no shame or losing something, but it's a brave idea. If you do not know something it's better to seek help. And also, it's the best thing to share your knowledge and give a helping hand to people who are sitting next to you. It's a special trend and brave method in the tech world that share your work with co-workers asks for the best solutions for problems. Nowadays, you can see big platforms for seeking help and giving help equally. I was too fortunate that I got priceless advice from co-workers and seniors at earlier ages of my career. If you are about to enter a new part of the company it's a better idea to discuss with people who are already been there. I think the company can become a more efficient place to work and create something when you give more opportunities to discuss what they're doing every day with other employees even with customers. Most of the time we are dreaming of the common goal who is next to us, so when you're collaborating with them, more ideas will explore and you can find out a new way to think about this problem. Especially in knowledge works, it's better to collaborate with people who can spend hours and hours in knowledge works. When you give others a hand your work becomes easier.      

"Ask for help is not shame or losing something, but it's a brave idea."


   This message I want to remind you to remember every minute next year. It's so hard to be myself whenever it comes to hard situations. Every challenge I faced is something special that make me better and better than yesterday. It's nothing new trait you need to make it happen in your life. Just be yourself is enough for making that possible. I am a happy person and an introvert, so I have seen every challenge from my eyes just being myself, so it would be very easy to react to it. I haven't changed myself but I improved myself and added some new skill sets and learned how to handle the pressure by myself. It's no need to change yourself even you aim at rocket science. Try to see every challenge and every change and your aim and learning new things as simple as your new routine. Enjoy every moment of your life and every win. If you're in a long-term depression, some small wins make you normal. Don't think too much about what comes next, set your mindset to face it, it's just enough to make your life smoother. Every time try to just be yourself.

"It's no need to change yourself even you aim at rocket science."
